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Micronutrients are our driving force. Since 1993.

Since 1993, we at Anusan, as a family business, have been developing unique and high-quality micronutrient formulations in the form of food supplements. We focus primarily on complex formulas that support entire organs or
systems of the body in the sense of self-regulation.

For this purpose, we use the highest quality raw materials in the manufacture of our products and produce according to our own purity standards.

Our products are characterized by the use of a range of natural raw materials that are particularly valuable for our body. Of course, we attach great importance to safe and legally compliant dosage of our products.

In the context of product sales, we rely on the competent and professional advice of our Anusan partners. These are often therapists such as alternative practitioners or doctors, cosmetic institutes, physiotherapists, nutritionists or coaches. These are regularly trained in our Anusan Academy online, as well as in the presence.

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Made in Germany.
From the hands of experts.

High purity products.

Holistic formulations.

Safe & easy to use

Helping people help themselves!


"Nutritional supplementation is much more than simply "supplementing food". Rather, it is about a conscious and targeted supply of the right micronutrients in the right quantity.
In this context, a number of aspects must be taken into account that particularly distinguish a dietary supplement.

These include not only the quality of the raw materials, but also the overall composition of the product. This should be coordinated in such a way that it is ideally suited to the needs of the body. For this purpose, it is often not enough to supplement only individual nutrients.

Rather, the world of micronutrients functions through a fascinating interaction of the most diverse components. Similar to the gear system in the transmission of a car, micronutrients in our body interlock, complement each other, drive each other."

Geschäftsführerin Annou Ritzer

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phytochemicals &
plant extracts

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vitamins & vitaminoids

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minerals &
trace elements

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proteins &
amino acids

And many more

More information about our products on request.

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Our product philosophy


High purity products

  • Free from artificial additives

  • Secondary plant substances

  • No fillers or drying agents

  • No preservatives

  • Production under the strictest specifications

  • Mainly vegan recipes

Finely tuned,
safe & holistic

At Anusan you will find finely tuned complex preparations, mainly in capsule form, which are unparalleled worldwide.
worldwide. The intelligently composed formulas
are based on the needs of entire body systems and areas.

This makes the application simple and efficient at the same time. No more complicated combining of individual mono preparations.

Your customer has a problem - we have the solution in often only one single preparation. We deliberately use moderate doses and combine the nutrients in such a balanced way that we can guarantee optimal development of the nutrients while maintaining a high level of product safety.


Competent consulting

Only a specifically and individually used dietary supplement is a particularly good dietary supplement.

We therefore rely on you being advised by one of our trained specialist advisors before you buy one of our products.

Which includes alternative practitioners, physiotherapists, coaches, beauty salons, animal alternative practitioners and many more.


"The important thing is health.
Everything else comes with time."

appropriate analysis

With our proprietary nica technology, we offer a holistic analysis that helps you choose the right product.

training & academy

Our own training academy offers you a range of professional training opportunities online and offline. This is how you learn the right way to handle nutrients.

Partner werden

Hannelore S.

Mikronährstoffe von höchster Qualität und Wirksamkeit.Wir erfahren beste Ausbildung und Unterstützung vom gesamten Anusan-Team sind begeistert und überzeugt!

Monika R.

Seit sehr vielen Jahren bin ich Kundin bei Anusan und sehr zufrieden:
- höchste Produktqualität
- innovativ und modern
- Zuverlässigkeit, Freundlichkeit , Vertrauen, Schnelligkeit und Aufgeschlossenheit in allen Bereichen
- sehr gutes Schulungsangebot
- über Jahre hinweg sehe ich immer wieder die positive Wirkung der Anusan Produkte an mir und meinen Kunden

Jörg G.

Die Firma mit Ihren Mitarbeitern und Produkten muss man loben und empfehlen. Gesundheit für Mensch und Tier wird hier mit guten Produkten verbessert und unterstützt.

Im Gespräch

Mit Doppel-Olympiasiegerin Jessica von Bredow-Werndl über Nahrungsergänzung.

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Login for professionals & partners

In the homepage section for Anusan partners you will find our partner shop and other detailed information.

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